„Um, something's in the way"

How a cup reminds you that comfort has its limits
The menstrual cup is a small miracle of modern times. Convenient, eco-friendly and so unobtrusive you'll easily forget about it. And it can put you in a situation that is... well, to put it mildly, "unforgettable".

And suddenly you realise that you've forgotten your little inconspicuous partner - the menstrual cup. And suddenly everything stops, you apologize, you laugh, while your partner looks at you incomprehensibly and asks, "You have... what?"
The cup is just too convenient. You almost don't feel you have it, which is brilliant in everyday life. But during intimacy? Well, let's just say it can remind you when you could least use it.
But you know what? That's the magic of these moments. Relationships aren't just about the perfect moments from romantic movies, they're about laughter, perspective, and the ability to handle minor awkwardness with grace. And next time? Make a quick mental checklist: keys, wallet, cell phone... and a cup. Because convenience is nice, but sometimes you better remind yourself beforehand. 😉